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Facebook Keyword Alerts

Use Case

Let's take a look a the software in action. A local company, King Pest Solutions, has been using our technology for the last year. Let's take a look at how this has helped their business.

King Pest monitors local Facebook groups in Grand Junction, CO since this is where they are located and do business. They have chosen certain keywords like "bugs" "mice" "spiders" "exterminator" and "pest control." Each time a post containing any of these words is posted, they receive an email with a link to the post so they can be the first to respond. For example, a person person in the group "Grand Junction community Message Board" may post "I have seen seeing little black bugs in my windows. What are these and how can I get rid of them?" King Pest immediately gets an email notification with a link to the post.

"Flash Leads has given us a major advantage in the local market. Before, if a person posted that they were in need of a recommendation for a pest control company, we would just hope that it came across our feed or that perhaps a current customer might recommend us. If another company got to the post first, they usually had a scheduled appointment before we even had a chance. Being able to reach out to each person that says they are looking for a service has helped us grow tremendously. We added nearly 50 customers in the last 6 months just from Facebook groups alone. Flash Leads has been a huge part of our marketing strategy but not a huge part of our budget. -Kyle (co-owner King Pest Solutions).

Our Mission

Success stories like these are why Flash Leads was started. Our mission is to connect local companies with folks in need of reliable services. Nobody wants to scan google reviews all day trying to pick a contractor. It is much easier to ask friends and neighbors in a local group. When a company reaches out directly it allows the customer and company to develop a relationship of trust where both parties benefit greatly.

Small Businesses

If you are a small business looking to get ahead of your competitors without breaking the bank, sign up today. Use the coupon code Flash50 for 50% of your first three months after your free trial ends.

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