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Finally Here

Problem Solved

The internet, social media platforms in particular, are teaming with consumers looking for contractors, professionals, and service companies.  Until now, breaching these high demand groups has been difficult without a strong customer base and word of mouth referrals.


Flash leads allows you to pick several groups to monitor.  These can be local, niche groups or international groups.  Our clients are able to identify words or phrases that are commonly used when a consumer needs their product or service.  Each time a post is made in a monitored group, the post will be immediately sent to our clients inbox.  Leads have never been delivered in "Flash" before. Never miss a hot lead and chip away at your customer acquisition cost.


Never feel the pain of seeing a post too late and missing out on a job again.  Be the first to know using Flash Leads.



Drop us a line with any questions, inquiries or business proposals

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